- Информация о материале
- Категория: Семинары
- Опубликовано: 08 ноября 2021
- Просмотров: 3854
В Перми, на платформе ИМСС УрО РАН, в Лаборатории Физических основ прочности, будет проходить цикл «on – line» лекций иностранных участников проекта МИГ «Механизмы переноса импульса и диссипации в конденсированных средах (жидкостях и твердых телах) при интенсивных воздействиях в условиях множественных метастабильных состояний индуцированных дефектами» (руководитель проф. О.Б.Наймарк, соглашение С-26/562 от 23.03.2021)
Ссылка для участников: https://bbb.icmm.ru/conf/pap-i6j-b9q-zbl
William Graham Proud, Doctor, Prof., Director and reader in shock physics, Institute of Shock Physics, Imperial College, London, UK
Abstract. This series of seminars will review the basics of dynamic loading techniques focusing on the relationship between strain-rate and material behaviour, Quasi-static loading, drop-weight, Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, Taylor Impact and Plate Impact will be introduced. This will be followed by a review of current diagnostic techniques for studying nominally 1D, 2D and 3D deformation and stress histories of materials. The series will then turn to materials of a heterogeneous nature or behavior: granular materials, granular composites, polymers, biological materials.
Some of the lectures of Prof. W. Proud were prepared on the basis of articles, links are here:
Review of experimental techniques for high rate deformation and shock studiesand shock studies
Elastic Wave Propagation in MaterialsMaterials
Some background papers for tutorial 4 - for the attendees personal interest. (paper1, paper2, paper3, paper4, paper5, paper6, paper7)
Matteo Baggioli, Prof., Associate professor @ Jiao Tong university Shanghai, Member of the Wilczek Quantum Center, Founder of the HoloTube network, Head of the Grumpy Scientist Team, The Wilczek Quantum Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Abstract. The vibrational, thermodynamically and mechanical properties of solids are well-understood since Debye's work in 1912. On the contrary, the same understanding for amorphous systems (liquids and glasses) has remained elusive for more than a century and it is still a mystery. In these lectures, we will consider three distinctive properties of liquids which are drastically different from their solid counterpart and which remain largely unexplained: (I) the dynamics of (k-gapped) shear waves and their dispersion relation, (II) the low frequency scaling of the vibrational density of states and (III) the temperature dependence of the heat capacity. After reviewing these three problems, we will tackle them from a theoretical point of view using symmetries, effective field theory and hydrodynamics.
The lectures are mainly based on:
- "Gapped momentum states", Physics Reports 2020 [arXiv:1904.01419]
- "Field Theory of Dissipative Systems with Gapped Momentum States", PRD 2020 [arXiv:2004.13613]
- "Universal law for the vibrational density of states of liquids", PNAS 2021 [arXiv:2101.01380]
- "Deformations, relaxation and broken symmetries in liquids, solids and glasses: a unified topological field theory" [arXiv:2101.05015]
- "Explaining the specific heat of liquids based on instantaneous normal modes", PRE 2021 [arXiv:2101.07585 ]
12 ноября 2021
15:00 (13:00 МСК, 10:00 UK)
Лекция 1 – Prof. W.Proud: Elasto-plastic waves and loading platforms.
Запись лекции: Elasto-plastic waves and loading platforms YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJZVKd2UpZ0
16 ноября 2021
11:00 (9:00 МСК, 14:00 Shanghai)
Лекция 2 – Prof. M.Baggioli: Solids versus liquids. The dynamics of shear waves in liquids
Запись лекции: Solids versus liquids. The dynamics of shear waves in liquids YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8zOWDawKoU
15:00 (13:00 МСК, 10:00 UK)
Лекция 3 – Prof. W.Proud: Gauge techniques: shock wave loading
Запись лекции: Gauge techniques: shock wave loading YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYlrrctL1vs
17 ноября 2021
11:00 (9:00 МСК, 14:00 Shanghai)
Лекция 4 – Prof. M.Baggioli: Gapped momentum states in physics. A derivation from symmetries
Запись лекции: Gapped momentum states in physics. A derivation from symmetries YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o--V5mByoww
15:00 (13:00 МСК, 10:00 UK)
Лекция 5 – Prof. W.Proud: Experimental Techniques 2D & 3D
Запись лекции: Experimental Techniques 2D & 3D YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-cnJllA-3Q
19 ноября 2021
11:00 (9:00 МСК, 14:00 Shanghai)
Лекция 6 – Prof. M.Baggioli: Instantaneous normal modes. The density of states of a liquid. The specific heat of a liquid.
Запись лекции: Instantaneous normal modes. The density of states of a liquid. The specific heat of a liquid YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2BdEOM19r0
15:00 (13:00 МСК, 10:00 UK)
Лекция 7 – Prof. W.Proud: Granular composites: mechanical performance of polymers and polymer- bonded explosives
Запись лекции: Granular composites: mechanical performance of polymers and polymer- bonded explosives YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP7CVLnK6i4
23 ноября 2021
15:00 (13:00 МСК, 10:00 UK)
Лекция 8 – Prof. W.Proud: Dynamic Properties of Granular Materials. Gas Perlocation Through Dry and Dampened Granular Media.
Запись лекции: Dynamic Properties of Granular Materials YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDMp8xISg5o
24 ноября 2021 15:00 (13:00 МСК, 10:00 UK)
Лекция 9 – Prof. W.Proud: Energetic Materials: Ignition, Reaction and Safety
Запись лекции: Energetic Materials: Ignition, Reaction and Safety YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlbVOBSpxGg
26 ноября 2021 15:00 (13:00 МСК, 10:00 UK)
Лекция 10 – Prof. W.Proud: Damage and micro-cracking in polymer and cement structures
Запись лекции: Damage and micro-cracking in polymer and cement structures YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z14C_gPw2w